Allie's College Quotes
(Updated 8/31/05)
Allison attended Greenville College and left them with some quotes that can't be forgotten. |
~Don't give me that look. *holds up fist* wiggle wiggle ~Kitty, Pippi needs your claws ~'Anyone': Guess what? Pippi: Chicken Butt! ~Saaaweeet! ~(with Beth Dando) Hey roomie!; By rommie. I heart you roomie. ~Oh my waffles! ~I spleen you. ~*heavy sigh* what am I going to do with you...? ~What is your mal-function? ~Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! ~My Uncle looks like Prince Humperdink....NO! He is Prince Humperdink ~good night, sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite. |